July 05, 2012

Laminine: The Secret to Perfect Health

Last month, my cousin introduced me to one of his new discovery. It's about a dietary supplement that can do wonders in our body and and could help us achieve a perfect health. I was curious about it so, I tried to do some research about it. Here are some information I have gathered from my research. Hope you'll find my post helpful. ;)

I know most of us would question.. What is Laminine?

Laminine is considered the Happy Pill. It's a natural, synergistic super food that provides optimum nutrition to our body.  It provides the most essential proteins and amino acids. It contains the most known vitamins, minerals and the eight essential amino acids. 

It was in 1929 when a medical doctor in Canada discovered a way to extract the life essence of a nine day old fertilized avian egg.

What's good about Laminine?

Laminine helps regenerate aging cells while completely nourishing unhealthy cells. We do all have repair mechanisms in our body wherein we regenerate our own damaged cells but as we age, the repair mechanism in our body diminishes. With the help of Laminine, it will unleash this powerful repair mechanism inside us. Thus, keeping us all physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy!  

What are the Health Benefits of Laminine?

  • Reduce signs of aging
  • Burn fat and curbs appetite
  • Builds collagen for healthy looking skin
  • Decrease pain
  • Stimulate natural DHEA ( Dehydroepiandrosterone- hormone naturally made by the body ) to reduce physical and mental stress
  • Memory Enhancer
  • Reduce physical and mental stress
  • Promote more restful sleep
  • Provide quicker recovery after workout
  • Quicker muscle recovery
  • Elevate serotonin levels to elevate your mood
  • Increase alertness, improve stamina and energy
  • Aid in brain function and activity including focus 

Here's a video explaining where Laminine came from.

Here are some real life testimonials that proves Laminine to be effective!

Aside from taking Laminine, you could also earn income from selling this amazing product! 

If you want to purchase a bottle of Laminine or be a member of the fastest growing company, just send a private message to me: MYTHE PESTAÑO
Or you can send me an email through: esereht07pst@gmail.com or mylnthrs_pst@yahoo.com

For more information, visit their website @ http://laminine.com/